Race Against Time - Pharmadule Morimatsu made smooth delivery of the Modular Vaccine Facility Project in Morocco
Time:2022-05-27 01:42:56

For just 6 month, Pharmadule Morimatsu has completed in-house fabrication for Moroccan Modular Vaccine Facility Project which will be shipped to the site for the final on-site installation soon. This project is the vaccine manufacturing facility for approximately US$500 million joint investment by Moroccan Government. The completion of the modular vaccine facility will fill the gap in the production of local vaccines in Africa and realize the aseptic filling of more than 20 vaccines including the Covid 19 vaccine. Its total output will reach 116 million doses in 2023, which will meet 70% Moroccan domestic market needs and 60% of African market needs in the future. In January 2022, the project commencement ceremony was held in the province of Benslimane in the Casablanca-Sétat region, the economic center of Morocco. King Mohammed VI attended and presided over the ceremony. As an important project of China-Morocco Belt and Road cooperation that attracts the attention of the heads of state of China and Morocco, it is of extraordinary significance. 

Under the circumstances of Covid Pandemic Pharmadule Morimatsu with its one-stop modular facility solution and "turnkey" service, helped projector owner to realize the leap from concept to reality, and assisted the speedy localization of vaccine production in Morocco. The Moroccan vaccine facility includes 3 filling workshops, 3 packaging workshops and QC laboratories, with a construction area of about 10,000㎡.

For such a large-scale project, if the traditional method is adopted, the construction period is bound to be more than 2 years, however Pharmadule Morimatsu completed in-house project fabrication in just 6 months. During the design process, Pharmadule Morimatsu team maintained efficient communication with the Moroccan owner team and the design approval institution of Moroccan local government, overcame the difficulties of time differences, fast integrated opinions of multi-parties, The overall planning and layout design of the project were completed in only 1 month, and the overall basic design and detailed design were completed in 2 months. In the process of procurement and production, Pharmadule Morimatsu has demonstrated strong supply chain deployment and fabrication capabilities, combined with the advantages of modular off-site construction, achieved 80% in-house fabrication, highly integrated clean workshops, process equipment, piping, ventilation, Electrical, BMS&EMS, fire alarm, security and other systems which maximumly reduced the on-site workload, thus greatly shortening the overall construction period of the project.

At the end of March, Shanghai encountered a state of lockdown due to the emerging of a large-scale Covid pandemic. The project has received the attention and strong support of the Moroccan government, the Moroccan embassy as well as the governments of Shanghai at all levels. Under such extremely difficult situation Pharmadule Morimatsu has gathered the strength of the entire company, overcame various difficulties, implemented close production which ensured smooth delivery at the end.

Originating from the rich experiences of Pharmadule Morimatsu in the delivery of total modular facility around the world, we constantly pursue the miracle of delivery which is driven by customer needs. Pharmadule Morimatsu will continue to develop, explore and make greater contributions to the global pandemic fight as well as pharmaceutical industry.



About Shanghai Morimatsu Pharmaceutical Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Morimatsu Pharmaceutical Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd (Stock Code: 2155.HK) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Morimatsu International Holdings Company Limited. Morimatsu, founded in Japan and taken root in China, has developed into a multi-national company that embraces globalization, masters core technology, and gains rich experience from project implementation in diverse fields including core equipment, process systems, and engineering solutions. The company has built advanced manufacturing base in China, established affiliates in Sweden, the United States, India, and Italy, built an efficient professional globalization team, and delivered a variety of products and services to more than 40 countries and regions.

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